A “must read” — RIDING TO HOUNDS IN AMERICA - An Introduction for Foxhunters


See our schedule for more information!


Our kennels are located near Three Forks, MT. Our hunt country is located throughout Montana and the West. In the winter months, the Big Sky Hounds is a traveling pack.


We welcome everyone here! If you are interested in riding in the breathtaking West, following hounds, or learning about this sport, contact us! Newbies and juniors are encouraged to participate. We have horses available for lease - or bring your own. Our country is challenging and the sport is spectacular. Seasoned fox hunters from all over the world will enjoy Foxhunting Montana-Style.


This year is “cap-as-you-go.” Capping fees are $75 for current BSH members and $100 for guests and $50 for juniors (who may bring a bag of dog food in lieu of capping fees). Horses are also available for lease.


At BSH, we prefer function over fashion. In Montana, we honor the tradition of our forebearers, the Cowboy Way of life, and the spirit and centuries-old tradition of foxhunting. In no way will Big Sky Hounds ever preclude someone from hunting because they aren’t dressed correctly. Function first, fashion later.  However, a properly turned-out field honors the landowners, shows them we take our sport seriously, and displays the appropriate respect as they watch us ride by. 

Most regular meets throughout the year are casual. Jeans and boots are appropriate.

During the Autumn or Cubbing Season, all riders, including staff, wear 'ratcatcher.' For English riders, that is a tweed coat in muted colors, beige or rust breeches, brown or black field boots. Gentlemen wear a tie with a light-colored shirt other than white, again in muted tones. Ladies may wear a colored stock tie, necktie or choker.  For Western riders, that is a plaid or solid-colored long-sleeved Western shirt, black or muted color vest or jacket, blue jeans, cowboy boots, and cowboy hat. During Formal Season (after Opening Meet), Western riders may wear a black coat and cowboy hat or helmet, white shirt, white wildrag or a tie, blue or black jeans, black boots.  English riders may wear a black or navy coat, tan or similar breeches, white shirt/ stock tie, canary or tattersall vest, black dress boots. 

Check the calendar for dress codes. Please, refrain from wearing any brightly colored clothing, especially red or orange, unless you are functioning in a staff position or wearing a radio.

Members with colors may choose to wear a sky blue wildrag or colors on their collars.      

Tack should be in good repair and clean, preferably with no brightly colored accessories.

Juniors may wear whatever they like.

STAFF ONLY – Scarlet, white breeches, brown top boots.



We recommend you bring a sure-footed, reliable, well-broke horse, in proper condition to hunt the rigorous mountain foothill terrain for three to five hours. Horses should be comfortable riding with other horses and around dogs. If you would like to work a young or green horse into hunting, please do so during fall hunting or on summer hound exercises and do so only with permission from the Masters. We start conditioning horses here in August, and often couple our conditioning rides with hound exercise. Contact us if you would like to introduce your horse (or yourself) to foxhunting pre-season. Shoes are necessary in our rough country and in winter we HIGHLY recommend sharp shoes with snow poppers.


We try to accommodate every level of rider by arranging several groups (or fields) of riders led by a member or volunteer who will help guide you to best enjoy the sport. There are very few jumps in our country, but vast open spaces and very rugged terrain. First-time riders are encouraged to take a lesson or a conditioning ride prior to ensure the basic level of horsemanship required for the environment. Advanced and seasoned riders will enjoy our big and challenging country.


Big Sky Hounds primarily chases coyote. The big question you probably have is, “Do you kill the coyote?” Big Sky Hounds CATEGORICALLY does not kill for the sake of killing. We CHASE. However; if a coyote should be killed, it is. If a coyote should be left to be chased another day, it is. It is up to the huntsman and the pack of hounds, together, to discern the difference.

  • We will always do the bidding of the landowner.

  • We will always protect our legal right to hunt with hounds and will always honor the laws and regulations that govern that right.

  • We will always conduct ourselves in a sportsmanlike manner and adhere to the regulations set forth for such conduct by our sanctioning organization, the Masters of Foxhounds Association.

  • We will always respect the wishes of our membership, whose financial support feeds our hounds and makes our sport possible.

In general, our pack is bred to find, chase, and den (or tree) quarry. They are not aggressive killers, nor frankly a very efficient way of ridding the country of vermin.